On 11 – 12 January 2024, the DCU Brexit Institute Jean Monnet Centre REBUILD hosted the REBUILD Annual Conference on Post-Pandemic Economic Governance and NGEU Law.
The Next Generation EU (NGEU) Recovery Plan has been the EU’s response to the economic and social crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Member States started implementing their Recovery and Resilience Plan at the national level, while facing the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and a tight macroeconomic environment. The success of NGEU will be pivotal for the future of the European Union, in terms of its strategic development and investments, and to ensure the twin green and digital transition across EU Member States. Other priorities include economic cohesion and competitiveness, social and territorial cohesion, institutional crisis-reaction and crisis preparedness.
This second REBUILD Annual Conference took place in partnership with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland.
The event report is available here.