The Brexit Institute has been recently awarded funding by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFA) under the Communicating Europe Initiative, in support of the project: “Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on ‘The European Union: Crisis and Recovery’.”
This result is the outcome of an highly competitive selection process conducted by an evaluation committee comprising representatives from the DFA, the European Commission Representation and the European Parliament Information Office.
The funding awarded will support the launch of the MassiveOpen Online Course (MOOC) entitled “The European Union: Crisis and Recovery”, which the Brexit Institute is producing in the framework of the EU-funded Jean Monnet Network BRIDGE, with the support of its partners.
‘The European Union: Crisis and Recovery’ is a freely accessible 4-week course that will launch on October 5, running on the web via the platform FutureLearn. The MOOC is designed to inform the public about the principal challenges that have faced the EU over recent years (Brexit, the Euro-Crisis, Migration, the Rule of Law Crisis, and Covid-19), and to communicate how the EU has responded to these challenges.