On 6 September the DCU Brexit Institute opened the new academic year with a full day event, assessing the state of the Brexit negotiations after the June European Council and the July White Paper of the UK Government.
The event featured a keynote speech by Danuta Hubner (Chairwoman of the European Parliament Constitutional Affairs Committee) and Daire Keogh (Deputy President DCU).
An opening MPs debate featured MP Stephen Gethins (House of Commons – United Kingdom), Senator Vaclav Hampl (Senat – Czech Republic), Senator Ian Marshall (Seanad – Ireland) and MP Anne Mulder (Tweede Kamer – the Netherlands), moderated by Caitriona Perry (RTE).
The event also hosted a panel discussion featuring Tom Hall (AIB), David Molloy (Arthur Cox), Mary Murphy (UCC) and Prof Federico Fabbrini (DCU), moderated by Kevin Doyle (Irish Independent).
The programme for the event is available HERE.